The Weekend Wedding Warriors

FINDING YOUR TRIBE: How to attract your ideal clients and convert them into bookings

Chris Such Season 1 Episode 3

Embark on a journey to transform your wedding photography business with our latest podcast episode, "Finding Your Tribe: How to attract your ideal clients and convert them into bookings." Score some pro-tips on how to attract your ideal clients, charging for your value, and how to start building a thriving wedding photography business. Learn from real-life tales and practical tips that will elevate your brand, connect with your audience, and position you as the go-to photographer for your ideal client. Don't miss out on this insightful exploration of the strategies that go beyond the lens, leading you to a thriving, sustainable business.

Are you attracting your ideal clients and charging what you're worth? In this episode, I'm chatting about identifying and winning over your ideal couples with your unique style. Why you should dive into engaging branding, tweak your online presence, and the secrets of professionalism that will set you apart from many others in your area.

So, how do we attract our ideal clients, and more importantly, how do we get them to book with us, and eeeeeven more importantly how do we charge our worth?

First up, know your style. If you aren't clear on this, spend some time thinking on the type of weddings you wish to shoot more of, or even the style of wedding you're strong at. Don't aim for, or settle for even, trying to score every wedding enquiry that comes your way, concentrate your efforts on increasing the right type of enquiry coming your way, enquiries that are more aligned with your style, and totally do not base your prices on trying to score every gig coming your way… work smart, not hard remember!

It's all well and good me stating the obvious here, so let me back that up with a couple of tips for ya. I could call this Tips from the Trenches couldn't I, that fits with the whole warrior vibe I talk about doesn't it. Anyway, I digress.. urm, where were we… ahh… tips for ya… right…

Get your branding and marketing efforts on point to attract your audience.

Your unique style sets you apart. I don't just mean your photography portfolio, but your vibe, your style, the tone and language of your copy, your message, how you interact with enquiries, and couples, how you act on a wedding day- all these elements go toward your uniqueness. Of course your photography portfolio should reflects you of course, but you as you is a complete package. The better you get and understand the importance of defining a unique style, the easier you'll be able to riff stuff and start to attract those who are attracted to your style and vibe. Get practising and hone that stuff down.

Your online presence is critical. Ensure your website isn't too wordy and bloated unnecessarily, keep it simple and have it do all the things a website is designed to do, and make sure it's informative and interesting, and keep active social media profiles. Share insights into how you do things and bring your personality to the table.

Share your personal story through posts or videos, or both, or however you get your stuff out there. Your journey as a photographer helps create connection with potential clients.

Testimonials and reviews are wonderful, so encourage clients to leave them on Google and your socials. Positive feedback gives you kudos and trust to couples out there looking. Many people will read reviews before sinking money into something, so the more you have, the more trusted you will seem.

Be amazing with your customer service. Be responsive, attentive, and utterly professional, even if your tone and vibe is relaxed, you can still be super-pro. Show potential clients that you genuinely care about their special day, make it all about them, have your narrative defined by this.

Help clients understand the value of decent wedding photography. Yeah be subtle, but do it cleverly and don't be afraid of explaining the benefits to couples booking you over other togs in your area- if you cannot sell yourself, how the hell are couples going to 'buy' into you.

Make your pricing structure clear and concise, don't confuse with loads of of options, keep it simple, and do not, I repeat, DO NOT base your prices on what others are charging in your area. Know your worth and know your numbers.

And then there are always colabs with other wedding suppliers, venues, etc. build a network that can lead to referrals and partnerships- a bit of mutual back scratching with other suppliers and venues is a good thing.

And finally, invest in yourself. This is important, so yeah, keep doing it, it's a good thing to invest in!

I know all that is only scratching the surface. These are topics I could write entire episodes about, like websites, knowing your numbers, customer journey, email marketing etc. all those I can dive deep into, and who knows, I may well do so in the future.

Yet again I digress, so let's get back on track again…

Through the power of story-telling (we are after all, story tellers at heart aren't we, painting by pictures if you like) I am going to spin you a yarn of two polar-opposite photographers. Two photographers who approach shooting weddings very differently indeed. Here goes…

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was a dedicated wedding photographer who had a unique approach to their craft. With articulate and passionate descriptions, they eloquently conveyed their professionalism and extensive experience to potential couples searching for the perfect photographer for their upcoming wedding. This photographer understood that it's not just about snapping pictures; it's about creating cherished memories for their couples.

Their secret was simple yet powerful: put the couple at the centre of everything- everything revolved around the couple and their day. They were an active listener, offering solutions to any concerns the couple had, ensuring they knew their special day was the top priority. This photographer knew that the key to success was to make the couple feel valued and understood, and this photographer was rather good at it.

What set them apart from others was their genuine excitement for each couple's unique love story. Couples would be invited round and distracted with tea, coffee, endless biscuits (or occasionally a beer or a glass of wine!) ideas would be chatted about, dreams for their big day discussed and encouraged. This photographer's enthusiasm was contagious, and they'd passionately describe capturing the essence of the couple's day, their connection and the joy of their wedding. With words, this photographer painted a vivid picture of a day filled with happiness and beautiful memories.

And you know what happened? The couples were so inspired and at ease that they were willing to invest in this premium service, even if it meant stretching the photo budget. They understood the value of hiring a trusted and experienced wedding photographer who could turn their dreams into reality.

In this enchanting story, we learn that when you put your clients first, listen to their needs, and passionately share your vision, you can make their wedding photography journey a stress-free and delightful experience. So, let us take this heartwarming tale as a reminder of the power of professionalism, empathy, and genuine enthusiasm in booking clients successfully. Find your voice, your vibe, your style and just stand up and represent. Be yourself.

So let me weave a tale for the opposite version- a photographer who doesn't recognise their worth or thinks that couples book on price and price alone, there's no understanding of value in quality. I may go a bit savage on this, but I'm in story mode and painting the opposite of the awesome photographer story I have just regaled, so bear with me…

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of wedding photography there was a wedding photographer who had some skills, they could take a picture, but their work was a bit lacking. Scruffy guests, crappy venues, no real stand out style to the photography- it just seemed to be a record of each day, rather than a story of the day. Their generic ads kept popping up on social feeds and everything just seemed bland.. vanilla. There was always some daft excuse for scoring a discount on any weddings booked before the end of the month, “diary only has a few slots left, so I'm offering 50% off to fill them up” or some rubbish like that, or yeah, the ol'classic “I'm offering 2025 weddings at 2010 prices, but only for any booked this week, oh and I'll throw in a free album containing every image, 6 canvases to hang on the wall, a box of prints, and all day coverage anywhere in the UK with no added travel costs for £200” type of nonsense. An exaggeration I know, but the cheap pricing is just ridiculous anyway, “why would you work all day and go through all the effort just for that price?”

This photographer seems to overlook the business side of their craft quite stupendously! Big fails on communicating any value in their work to prospective couples. They just attract low value clientele in their chasing of booking any wedding they can.

The consequences of this oversight are significant. Because they don't articulate what sets them apart, couples simply compare them on price and nothing more. The photographer unknowingly had turned their art into a mere commodity, reduced to a numerical figure. No value whatsoever put on the time, effort or artistry (if there is any artistry that is!)

The realisation hits hard. This photographer is not seen as a high-value, trusted professional. Instead, they are just another service, one of maaaany swirling in the frothing grey masses of budget rubbish, another option among a sea of photographers who have no differentiation, except their seemingly lustful intent on under-cutting each other as they scramble to book anything that swims near them.

This is a savage burn indeed, and a tongue-in-cheek exageration, but there are many-a-tog out there who run a business (not really a business though is it) with this mentality. It can be a tough lesson when a photographer realises this, but it can be a turning point for them also. If they can grasp their passion and realise their talent, and wish to learn and improve, it can be the foundation of a successful business. Effective communication and the ability to convey their message and value is essential, and they can turn the tide of mediocrity.

As a wedding photographer, it's not just about taking beautiful pictures. It's about sharing your passion, experience, and unique approach. It's about painting a vivid picture for your clients, helping them see the value in what you do. Don't let your art be reduced to a mere price tag. Stand out, communicate, and let your clients see you for the passionate and skilled professional you are.

Ooo, I got a bit heavy there didn't I, kinda got carried away with that… anyway… moving on swiftly…

I've adapted my approach over the years, as we all do, we learn on the job, and the key to success is focusing on the couple's needs, desires, and overcoming their fears. It's about a narrative that revolves around them, and using my expert experience to become a trusted photographer. And being paid properly for it.

Passion is at the heart of what I do. It's not just about taking photographs well; it's about creating epic memories for my clients. I immerse myself in their vision for their special day, making it all about them. I provide guidance and support to ensure their wedding photography experience (there's that word again!) is stress-free and memorable. And their memories are stand-out awesome too of course.

It's all about understanding what your client imagines, showcasing your expertise, and demonstrating genuine passion for what you do. By doing so, you'll not only gain their trust but also created lasting memories that they'll cherish forever, and be paid what you know you're worth.

How can I summarise all that… the key is to move beyond price as the sole deciding factor. By the time you sit down with a prospective couple, they should already be eager to commission you to shoot their wedding, thanks to the information you've provided. This includes your email marketing, website awesomeness, engaging social media posts, etc.

Your communication should always convey your passion, professionalism, and vibe. Make sure to answer FAQ's and explain your pricing clearly. In addition to this, your portfolio should showcase your style, you need to shout about your experience, your expertise, and use reviews and testimonials to your advantage to build trust. The aim is for couples to resonate with you, both personally and professionally, even before your first meeting. This sets the stage for successful bookings and lasting client relationships.

As wedding photographers, our mission goes beyond merely capturing images; it's about finding those couples who not only appreciate our passion but resonate with our style and vibe. These couples are the ideal clients we're looking for. The ones whose decisions aren't solely on finding the cheapest photographer they can.

In an ideal world, every client would be that perfect match, eagerly embracing the price we charge. Success, in the realm of wedding photography, is not just about filling our calendar; it's about doing so with the right clients at the right price. It's about creating a sustainable, thriving business that continues to flourish while allowing us to pour our passion and creativity into every wedding day we shoot. It's not super-straightforward, if it were every photographer out there would be nailing it, but by doing some thinking, some soul-searching, we can break out of mediocrity, and be… just… amazing at what we do.

In closing, remember this: the path to attracting your ideal clients at the price you desire begins with being true to yourself, don't undersell yourself, convey your unique awesomeness clearly, and provide solutions that resonate with your clients' needs. Make the wedding day all about the couple, pour your passion into creating their memories, and ensure they feel completely at ease. Build trust, be professional, and let your experience shine. When you consistently deliver on these principles, your ideal clients will recognise the extraordinary value you bring to their special day, and price will become a secondary consideration. Your owe it to yourself to be the best you can… so… realise your awesomeness and DO IT!!